,As women, it's easy to take on the burden of wanting to meet everyone's expectations, to make everything OK, to keep our family healthy and at peace... and therefore to feel exhausted, perhaps worried, in the process.
That was my life. And that's how I felt more often than I admitted.
And now?
I live with freedom, with ease, with confidence and joy.
My life changed once I surrendered perfectionism and went to work on myself. Not to be perfect, but to be the best version of who Father God designed me to be.
Because of who He is, I am enough. You are enough! God did not create us to be perfect. To pretend that we are is to compete with Him.
When you get clear on Who you are and What you were designed to BE, Life changes. And change begins within you and me. Sounds too easy, but I know it to be true!
Amazingly, as I surrendered wanting to make everything just right (aka- perfect), life took on a new perspective. Relationships were enhanced. Opportunities for what I wanted opened up. Courage, confidence, and the capacity to love myself and others took off.
Ongoing peace replaced the inner struggle. So thankful for the difference this made in the quality of my life. This second half of life truly is my best part of life!
What about you?
Are you enjoying freedom, ease, confidence, and joy?
If not, let's change that. Reach out and ask to know more.
If I did it, you can, too! You were born for excellence, Dear One. ❤️